Friday, March 11, 2011

What's In Your Water?

The environmental working group puts out a drinking water quality report.  Check out what came up in Raspberry Falls and in Selma.  Selma is in worse shape than Raspberry Falls and they want to connect us to Selma?


Anonymous said...

Interesting site. What do you think of the seven pollutants detected in the Town of Leesburg water? Some scary sounding stuff, like chloroform and coppper, but those pollutants safer then the aluminum detected in Raspberry?

brikwash said...

At this point and time. Stanley Martin is building in Selma Estates. They have been selling for the past month. The report was a 2009 report. Do you think the builder has any idea about this problem? If I wanted to find out more information who could I contact because I was thinking about purchasing a home over in Selma Estates. Will anyone be honest about these issues?