January 11, 2011
Mr. Dale Hammes
Mr. Fred Jennings
We are both pleased and relieved that the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, at the recommendation of Loudoun Water, agreed to include the study of a public water option in the water study for Raspberry Falls, and thank you profusely for your consideration of this important matter.
This study and the resulting actions are very important to bring a permanent solution to Raspberry Falls. The selected option should provide a solution which is financially feasible, sustainable and provides the lowest risk in order to protect the health and safety of all users of the Raspberry Falls water system. You are well aware of Raspberry Falls’ history, risks and substandard design, including the unpredictable environmental conditions, unregulated land use activities and the inoperable fire hydrants that exist.
We understand that the various options include a water filtration system, the feasibility of interconnecting the Raspberry Falls and Selma water systems, and the public water option, and that the study would provide a comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons of each alternative. In order to present a fair comparative analysis, all water solutions should be analyzed over the same period of time based on the solution with longest sustainable life period. For example, the average life expectancy of a public water pipe is 60 to 75 years (and sometimes longer). We would expect that each solution would be modeled for the same period of time (factoring in capital improvement and/or replacement costs, even if it happens multiple times during the comparative period). We further expect that any analysis provides both a net present value (“NPV”) and internal rate of return (“IRR”) analysis for each solution over the comparative period. The public water option should consider connecting to the source closest to Raspberry Falls – the Leesburg water main that was extended to Tuscarora High School. The study should also include, for all options, provision of service to the first twenty-five homes of Raspberry Falls which are on individual wells, given the substantial health risk that exists for those families with their aging systems as well as the risk that their septic systems pose to the near-by community wells.
We believe we are in a position to assist Loudoun Water in the identification and evaluation of the various alternatives, and consideration of the financial impacts of the various alternatives. The inclusion of citizen input will help assure that the residents will better understand the study process and the subsequent evaluation, reduce confusion afterwards as to the study and evaluation process and better assure that the conclusions can be implemented without undue delay due to possible misunderstandings. We have a number of residents who are highly qualified in matters of this nature, and will be pleased to provide you several names.
We would also suggest that the study identify the source(s) of funding for each of the options, including the responsibilities of the developer(s) of Raspberry Falls. A 20 year projected rate study with comparison to current charges should also be made to assist the residents to understand the financial impact on their personal situation. We believe that we can, together with the Loudoun Water Staff, put together a transparent and comprehensive study plan to satisfy all expectations and questions. Given the urgency of the matter, time is of the essence, and we urge that the study begin immediately.
We look forward to your response.
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